Backyard Wildlife photos

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Standing at the Kitchen Window looking outside and I see this beautiful Bobcat in the yard. I quickly fetched my D500 w/ 200-500mm and went outside while the Bobcat provided a couple photo stances.
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We liv in the midst of a large clan of Acorn Woodpeckers. These are fascinating birds that live communally and store acorns in large matrices of holes called granaries. I like hearing their chatter that sounds like Woody woodpecker’s laugh.
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The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife facebook page ran a backyard photo contest during the covid 19 lockdown. I submitted this photo on the second week and they chose it as the winner featuring it on their facebook page.
I was kind of excited about it until the comments started rolling in. The crowd was pretty upset about the fishing season being shut down and a little quail in the snow wasn't going to quell their
California Quail in Central Washington on April 1st
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Beautiful image Hut!

That's a beauty, really nice with the composition, the great backwards glancing pose and of course the snow just nails it. Really nice!
Thank You I felt the birdy deserves a little praise instead of a pile of hate :D
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