Article About Crane Numbers in Bosque del Apache

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An interesting article on the numbers of Sandhill Cranes in Bosque and th surrounding area. A good summary of the situation, and the bottom line is that populations are doing well.

To me, the whole article was a long excuse for poor management practices at that specific refuge. I was there in December which just happened to be during their crane festival, which they put off for a few weeks because of the lack of cranes.
quick read seems to give lots of excuses for reduced population. Poor soil is to blame for the failure of the corn crop this year - but it grew in years past :unsure:
What poor management practices?

The failure of the planting of the corn and the fact that they emptied and drained a major pond that thousands of birds used to go to and then emptied and drained the pond they had up two years ago...the birds were all sitting in the dirt....and they can't seem to figure out how to feed and water as has been done by other management for many years. The Sandhill Crane population was in abundance at Ladd Gordon, where they seem to have better management in place.
The failure of the planting of the corn and the fact that they emptied and drained a major pond that thousands of birds used to go to and then emptied and drained the pond they had up two years ago...the birds were all sitting in the dirt....and they can't seem to figure out how to feed and water as has been done by other management for many years. The Sandhill Crane population was in abundance at Ladd Gordon, where they seem to have better management in place.
They did plant corn. The crop failed. Also, corn is far from the only food source. Remember, there has been a drought problem there for quite a while. The ponds were not "drained", water was not diverted to fill them because there wasn't sufficient water, and the dam needed to be reinforced to prevent leakage. Management is a lot more complex than we, as photographers, might understand.

I'm sorry there weren't more cranes at Bosque when you were there. I had a similar trip last year. Wildlife, weather, and Mother Nature in general are not predictable.
They did plant corn. The crop failed. Also, corn is far from the only food source. Remember, there has been a drought problem there for quite a while. The ponds were not "drained", water was not diverted to fill them because there wasn't sufficient water, and the dam needed to be reinforced to prevent leakage. Management is a lot more complex than we, as photographers, might understand.

I'm sorry there weren't more cranes at Bosque when you were there. I had a similar trip last year. Wildlife, weather, and Mother Nature in general are not predictable.
True that they planted corn. But why did it fail? Like to know the full storey, not just claims and counter claims