Balmoral Grist Mill, Nova Scotia

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Beautiful photo, Kathy! I was going to suggest removing the log on the left bank that was reflecting in the water. It was bright and distracting to me, but I like Charlie's and Callie's edits where the log is darker and not distracting, yet adds to the story. It is a beautiful scene and very well done, Kathy!!
Thank you Greg
I finally got some time to fiddle with the photo. Following the suggestions of Charlie and Callie I darkened the reflection, changed the sky to a bit more blue (thanks Callie for that tip with Viveza) and changed the colour cast a bit with Color Efex. Here it is, thanks everyone for your comments and advice.

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Hi Kathy, this is a lovely composition. I couldn't resist throwing in a bit of my own editing bias. I used the ACR filter in PS for some adjustments. I took the exposure down quite a bit and raised the shadows and whites to give some more contrast and saturation without touching those sliders. In PS I applied an Orton effect at about 30% and used blend if to limit it to the highlights. I created a slight manual vignette mainly darkening the R side and lightening the center. Lastly, using a luminosity mask (from TK7 panel) selecting the green/yellow hues and adjusting them with a curves layer. With such a nice composition, I felt it just needed a bit more saturation and some depth to help separate out some of the nice colors. Hope this helps.
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Thanks Dodson for your thoughtful advice. I don’t use Adobe products. Instead, I use DXO Photolab and the Nik collection. The day I took the photo wasn’t the nicest day - rainy and then followed by very overcast skies. I did add some blue to the sky but anymore seems unnatural to me. So, I prefer to keep the sky as it is now. Thank you for the suggestions.