Denali National Park

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I went to Alaska on my honeymoon, and I brought a Kodak point and shoot. I missed a lot of opportunities, to say the least. I got into photography shortly after I got back. Love the images.
I certainly appreciate looking at other peoples photos of Mt. Denali, however I would prefer to view them on their thread. If a post appears on this thread that reads "Great Photo", I'd like to know it refers to mine. This note is for going forward, those photos already posted are welcome to stay.
I certainly appreciate looking at other peoples photos of Mt. Denali, however I would prefer to view them on their thread. If a post appears on this thread that reads "Great Photo", I'd like to know it refers to mine. This note is for going forward, those photos already posted are welcome to stay.
I think that's what the "like" functionality is for, so that people can show individual appreciation, and you have lots of likes. Cheers.