Focusing Target

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Where does one get a good focusing target to test lenses?

Hi Doug

What is your camera - mirrorless or DSLR? What is the purpose of your testing?

For a DSLR, you may need to calibrate fine tuning so a target like the LensAlign Pro is useful. It has been discontinued and the founder - Michael Tapes has retired due to age and health issues. This item has a good test target and a diagonal scale to measure AF errors. With a mirrorless camera working with sensor based contrast detect AF, it's no longer necessary.

For testing lens corner performance, you might use something like a USAF I3A/ISO 12233 Resolution Test Chart.

For astigmatism and central sharpness, a Siemens Star Target like this one is probably a good idea.

Edmund Optics is relatively expensive. You should be able to find less expensive options that you can print yourself.

Before you go too far down this path, take a look at these articles from Roger Cicala at LensRentals.

One other comment - Roger Cicala has the equipment and staff for a deep dive to test lenses, but even he has to balance the time and effort required. Some tests can take two hours or more and the cost is prohibitive on all but the most expensive lenses.