How about viewing and supporting honest small channels on YT

If you would like to post, you'll need to register. Note that if you have a BCG store account, you'll need a new, separate account here (we keep the two sites separate for security purposes).

Thanks I traveled alongside Guts and the Pangolin team on the Chobe River in 2017 and have been trying to get back since then. And yes the team are great, but sad for me not being back in Africa.
What's stopping you Andrew, :unsure:

I'm back in the Serengeti again in 2 weeks for just under a month, and although this is my 45th+ trip (have lost count of the exact amount) to the Dark Continent
I'm still like a kid in a candy store. :giggle:
What's stopping you Andrew, :unsure:

I'm back in the Serengeti again in 2 weeks for just under a month, and although this is my 45th+ trip (have lost count of the exact amount) to the Dark Continent
I'm still like a kid in a candy store. :giggle:
A very large contract in the Middle East, Covid and family.

I try tried to go to the Mara for 6 weeks earlier this year, but had to cancel. So hopefully Feb/mar 2023.

Where are you staying and who do you use for vehicles/guides?
Hola a todos. ¿Qué tal si evitamos las opiniones sesgadas de los "influencers" cuyo propio ego es más grande que el tema? Al ver y apoyar pequeños canales en YouTube, donde los profesionales que trabajan brindan una excelente educación y reseñas y opiniones honestas. Recuerde que este es un contenido gratuito para usted y que un Me gusta y una suscripción no son nada para usted, sino una clave para ellos y su disposición a ofrecer un excelente contenido para nuestro entretenimiento y educación.

Recomiendo encarecidamente a Seth Miranda, también conocido como Last Witness .

No está solo, sino un ejemplo fantástico para el resto de nosotros: gran calidad y justo/equilibrado.

Mis otras selecciones principales para fotógrafos donde la vida es más que Birds in Flight incluyen: esta es una selección:
  • Charlas de Ricci - Principalmente Nikon
  • Mathphotographer : muchas revisiones y orientación de equipos de alta gama
  • Hudson Henry Photography : uno de los tipos más tranquilos del planeta y un maravilloso fotógrafo de paisajes y astros.
  • Matt Irwin Photography : otro de los tipos más agradables que existen
  • Peter Coulson : principalmente un tirador de H y Leica basado en estudio que hace un gran trabajo desde su estudio en Melbourne
  • Christopher Leggett Photography : si realmente quieres ver cómo fotografiar interiores para bienes raíces (oh, con muy buen equipo)
  • AP Studios : solo siéntese junto a la chimenea y disfrute de la charla, miércoles y sábado, únase si tiene algo que decir, todos son bienvenidos, pero sea cortés y no maldiga, y las transmisiones en vivo continuarán hasta que la gente no tenga nada. más que decir
  • Teamwork Digital , proveedor de MF de gama ultra alta, con excelentes conocimientos y orientación
  • Keith Cooper - el profesor Tilt and Shift
  • fototripper : está bien, entonces quieres escuchar y entender "northern" (un acento inglés de este gran tipo que vive en Canadá y fotografía principalmente paisajes, Y sí, es autocrítico y sarcástico)
  • Cliff Hands , tirador de paisajes del Reino Unido, si hace frío e inaccesible, Cliff ha estado allí, ha dormido allí y se ha levantado para hacer esa foto del amanecer.
  • Raymond Parker : maravilloso tipo informativo que también graba videos más que solo por diversión
  • Riviera Macro : macro y primer plano verdaderamente asombrosos
  • Justin Mott : trabajando duro para ganarse la vida
  • Mark Kerton : uno de los mejores fotógrafos independientes del Reino Unido con sede en Lincolnshire. Disparos: paisajes, paisajes marinos, bosques y deportes: fútbol de asociación, carreras (bicicletas+) y mucho más. Mire sus videos sobre la preparación para las tomas de la agencia/oficina en los partidos y la crítica/edición de nuestras fotos; vea lo que busca un tirador deportivo independiente cuando genera imágenes que venden, y sí, fije el horizonte primero.
  • Jack Beasley , tirador de deportes profesionales con sede en EE. UU., Jack fue la fuente original de mi hoja de cálculo de configuración de Z9.
  • Paul Reiffer - Capture One todo el día
  • Andrea Livieri Photo - Paisaje y Capture One
  • Nick Carver - tirador de paisajes de medio y gran formato
  • Todd Korol : uno de los últimos fotógrafos de paisajes de gran formato que generan contenido en la actualidad
  • Transiciones digitales - Fase uno y patrimonio
  • Micael Widell - Macro y más
  • Mark Denney - Publicación de paisajes todos los miércoles
  • Sean Cameron Photographic - un especialista en "exposiciones caninas"
Y canales más establecidos, pero aún relativamente pequeños, y canales pequeños centrados en BIF/vida silvestre:
Supongo que si estás en estos foros ya ves el contenido de Steve en YouTube. Y supongo que también sigues a Luminous Landscape y a otros productores de contenido original que estaban "haciendo" esto antes de que existiera YouTube.

Agregue sus nuevos canales favoritos en YouTube en los comentarios.

-- ocultar firma --
Muchas gracias por el post.. muy interesante y útil.
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I have a love/hate relationship with this thread!

Love it since it has a lot of great suggestions - hate it since it has a lot of great suggestions but doesn't come with methods for conjuring up extra hours in the day to watch them :)
I'm thinking the same thing. I already spend far too much time on the three primary photo forums I visit, and now I've got all of these new youtube channels to surf... :unsure:
Hi all - how about avoiding the biased views of the "influencers" whose own ego's are bigger than the subject -- by viewing and supporting small channels on YouTube - where working pros provide great education and honest reviews and opinions. Remember this is free to you content and a like and subscribe is nothing to you but key to them and their willingness to deliver great content for our entertainment and education.

I strongly recommend Seth Miranda AKA Last Witness

He is not alone but a fantastic example to the rest of us -- great quality and fair/balanced.

My other top picks for photographers where life is more than Birds in Flight include -- this is a selection:
  • Ricci Talks - Primarily Nikon
  • mathphotographer - lots of high end gear reviews and guidance
  • Hudson Henry Photography - one of the calmest guys on the planet and wonderful Astro and landscape shooter.
  • Matt Irwin Photography - another one of the nicest guys around
  • Peter Coulson - primarily a studio based H and Leica shooter who does great work from his studio in Melbourne
  • Christopher Leggett Photography - if you really want to see how to shoot interiors for real estate (oh with very good gear)
  • AP Studios - just sit down by the fireside and enjoy the chat -- Wednesday and Saturday -- Join in if you have something to say -- all are welcome - but be civil and no cussing - and the livestreams go on until folk have nothing more to say.
  • Teamwork Digital -- ultra high end MF vendor - with great insights and guidance
  • Keith Cooper - the Tilt and Shift professor
  • fototripper -- OK so you want to listen to and understand "northern" (an english accent from this great guy who is living in Canada and shooting primarily landscape -- AND yes he is self deprecating and sarcastic)
  • Cliff Hands - UK landscape shooter - if it is cold and inaccessible Cliff has been there, sleeped there and got up to take that sunrise shot.
  • Mali Davies Photography - all accents, attitude and grit -- just what one expects from a hard northern bloke (Yorkshire/Lancashire) who goes tramping about in the damp - Glossary of Mali Photography words" include: Tawreet: ‘Hello’; Sithee: ‘Goodbye’ or ‘See you soon’; Spondecking: ‘Wonderful’ or ‘Very exciting’; and Tell thee what: ‘Example’ or “To show you how’
  • Raymond Parker - wonderful informative guy who also shoots videos more than just for fun
  • Riviera Macro -- truly awesome macro and close-up
  • Justin Mott -- working hard to make a living
  • Mark Kerton - one of the best UK freelance photographers based in Lincolnshire. Shoots - Landscapes, Seascapes, Woodlands and Sport -- Association Football, Racing (Bikes+) and lots more. Look at his vids on setting up for agency/bureau shooting at matches and critique/edits of our photos - see what a freelance sport shooter looks for when generating images that sell -- and yes fix the horizon first.
  • Jack Beasley - US based pro-sports shooter - Jack was the original source for my Z9 settings spreadsheet.
  • Paul Reiffer - Capture One all day long
  • Andrea Livieri Photo - Landscape and Capture One
  • Nick Carver - medium and large format landscape shooter
  • Todd Korol - one of a few ultimate large format landscape shooters generating content today
  • Digital Transitions - Phase One and Heritage
  • Micael Widell - Macro and more
  • Mark Denney - Landscape post every wednesday
  • Sean Cameron Photographic - a "Dog Show" specialist
And more established, but still relatively small channels, and small BIF/wildlife focussed channels:
I assume if you are on these forum you already view Steve's content on YouTube. AND I assume you also follow Luminous Landscape and other original content producers who were "doing" this before YouTube existed.

Please add your favourite new channels on YouTube in the comments

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GREAT - these channels deserve as much support as they can get...🦘
This is a great list of new YT places to check out.
Since you have most of the hard work done any consideration to making a list and sharing it on (google drive or?)
Be a really nice resource to share with everyone (via and email or on a photo club website) who are not using this forum and help these YT content creators folks out with some new viewers and likes to boost their channels.
Kind of late to the party here, but thanks everyone - def some I haven't heard of, and will check out.

I'm kind of surprised no one has mentioned Toma Bonciu aka Photo Tom - an outstanding photographic art analyst, foggy forest master, and landscape photog out of Romania:

Search for "compositon" on his channel or start with this one:

btw I am in agreement about videos vs text - I can read and absorb far faster than watching/listening BUT for some things visuals are critical (see the above on vid on composition). What I do, in general, is play vids at 2x speed (and jump forward when I know what's coming). If I see/hear something interesting or think I missed something important, I can always go back and slow it down. And yes I do the same for the food channels I follow on RSS (hi Kenji!)


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I enjoyed this one which I tried from your list. He explored the composition technique of layering with a lot of examples.

This guy is awesome... If you into Photography History, do check out his playlists where he explains several photographers during the film era and their works/styles/ methods etc... You may like them..! :) Just a suggestion :)
Hi all - how about avoiding the biased views of the "influencers" whose own ego's are bigger than the subject -- by viewing and supporting small channels on YouTube - where working pros provide great education and honest reviews and opinions.
Remember this is free to you content and a like and subscribe is nothing to you but key to them and their willingness to deliver great content for our entertainment and education.
I need to start with perhaps the most inspirational of all: KLAUS TIEDGE
"After the unfortunate news of Cancer I set off on a mission to make a film to document my work and share the experience with my family. Join me on my journey to Kenya as I spend a month in Amboseli and the Masai Mara on what must be the "Safari of my Life"." by Klaus
My top picks for photographers where life is more than Birds in Flight include -- this is a selection:
  • Ricci Talks - Primarily Nikon - a Photographer and photography trainer for over 12 years I currently teach photography at the Nikon school in the UK This is a Personal YouTube Channel. He covers all things photography but mainly Cameras, Lenses, photography equipment reviews, tips and tricks And anything else he happens to find interesting.
  • Seth Miranda AKA Last Witness. He is not alone but a fantastic example to the rest of us -- great quality and fair/balanced.
  • mathphotographer - lots of high end gear reviews and guidance and wonderful locations in Switzerland
  • Hudson Henry Photography - the calmest/coolest guy on YouTube - great Astro, landscape and wildlife shooters
  • Matt Irwin Photography -- the nicest shooter in Melbourne
  • Peter Coulson - primarily a studio based H and Leica shooter who does great work from his studio in Melbourne
  • Christopher Leggett Photography - if you really want to see how to shoot interiors for real estate (oh with very good gear)
  • AP Studios - just sit down by the fireside and enjoy the chat -- Wednesday and Saturday -- join in if you have something to say -- all are welcome - but be civil and no cussing - and the livestreams go on until folk have nothing more to say.
  • Teamwork Digital -- ultra high end MF vendor - with great insights and guidance
  • Keith Cooper - the Tilt and Shift professor and also a master printer
  • fototripper -- OK so you want to listen to and understand "northern" (an english accent from this great guy who is living in Canada and shooting primarily landscape -- AND yes he is self deprecating and sarcastic)
  • Mali Davies Photography - all accents, attitude and grit -- just what one expects from a hard northern bloke (Yorkshire/Lancashire) who goes tramping about in the damp - Glossary of Mali Photography words" include: Tawreet: ‘Hello’; Sithee: ‘Goodbye’ or ‘See you soon’; Spondecking: ‘Wonderful’ or ‘Very exciting’; and Tell thee what: ‘Example’ or “To show you how’
  • Cliff Hands - UK landscape shooter - if it is cold and inaccessible Cliff has been there, sleeped there and got up to take that shot.
  • Raymond Parker - wonderful informative guy who also shoots videos more than just for fun
  • Riviera Macro -- truly awesome macro and close-up
  • Justin Mott -- working hard to make a living
  • Mark Kerton - one of the best UK freelance photographers based in Lincolnshire. Shoots - Landscapes, Seascapes, Woodlands and Sport -- Association Football, Racing (Bikes+) and lots more. Look at his vids on setting up for agency/bureau shooting at matches and critique/edits of our photos.
  • Jack Beasley - US based pro-sports shooter
  • Paul Reiffer - Capture One all day long
  • Andrea Livieri Photo - Landscape and Capture One
  • Nick Carver - medium and large format landscape shooter
  • Todd Korol - one of a few ultimate large format landscape shooters generating content today
  • Digital Transitions - Phase One and Heritage
  • Micael Widell - Macro and more
  • Mark Denney - Landscape post every Wednesday
  • Sean Cameron Photographic - a "Dog Show" specialist
  • Linhof Studio - the UK importer and specialist retailer of Large Format Digital and Analogue solutions. They import High Resolution Optics from Rodenstock to complement our camera platforms from Linhof, ALPA, Cambo, Silvestri and Lotus View. We also stock Hasselblad medium format cameras such as the X1D II and the 907X 50C. Our other brands are: Bergger for Fine Art Black and White Photography Hensel for Studio and Location Lighting Compagnon Camera bags B&W Outdoor Cases
  • Mali Davies Photography - Photographer, YouTube film maker, podcaster and graphic designer.
  • On Sports Photography with Peter Read Miller - Join Peter Read Miller as he discusses some of the tips and tricks, the business and tutorials for shooting sports photography. Peter utilizes more than 40 years experience, including as a staff photographer for Sports Illustrated for more than 35 years. He has shot for Time, Life, People, Money, AP, Playboy, Runner's World, Newsweek, USA Today and The New York Times, as well as having shot 9 Olympic Games, 40 Super Bowls, 14 NBA Finals, the Stanley Cup Finals, World Series , Kentucky Derby and NCAA Final Four. He has shot over 150 Sports Illustrated Covers and is the author of Peter Read Miller on Sports Photography. His ad clients have included Canon, Nike, Microsoft, TD Ameritrade, Western Digital, Visa, Adidas, Coca-Cola, and the NFL, among others. Peter teaches photography and offers workshops around the country.
  • Paul Reiffer - Landscape, cityscape and commercial photographer. Exploring the world around us, with fine art limited edition prints, photography workshops and commercial photo shoots. Subscribe for live editing sessions and in-depth Pro Tips guides to Capture One.
  • Photography Life - a macro and landscape photographer based in Denver, who posts videos on the ins and outs of photography so you can take the pictures you've always wanted.
And more established, but still relatively small channels, and small BIF/wildlife focussed channels:
  • Grays of Westminster -- the world's best Nikon oriented store
  • Steve Perry – the one and only. TONS of great tips and tricks for nature photographers! PLUS, check out some of his crazy photography trips too!
  • The Art of Photography -- so much to teach and learn
  • The Photographic Eye - Art History/Theory and Photography
  • Moose Peterson - still leading the way in Aviation and Wildlife shooting
  • Behind The Shot - if you want to learn how some of the best images were taken
  • Kym Illman -- Formula 1 (professional) and wildlife
  • Morten Hilmer -- Nordic Wildlife shooter who spends a lot of time in the v.Cold
  • Jan Wegener - wonderful australian based wildlife shooter
  • Mark Smith - yes BIF (osprey) shooter
  • Roie Galitz - yes an extreme wildlife shooter
  • Jeffrey Wu - one of the best of the photographers resident in the Masai Mara
  • Tom Mason - wildlife on location
  • Knights and Weekends - great wildlife
  • Selective Imagery - Jeff does a great job bringing wildlife (mainly BIF) shooting to life
  • DMootz Photography - great younger BIF and wildlife shooter
  • Walk on the Wildside - Scott Walker (Walks) - all aspects of nature photography - wildlife, macro, woodland, landscapes and more.
  • Bayou Josh - Channel about the challenges of wildlife photography
  • Duade Paton - G'day, a nature photographer based in rural Australia, who has a passion for photography and wildlife. He shares plenty of photography related tips and tricks as he goes along.
  • Andy Miller - your host's infrequent feeble attempts
AND -- all -- my passing noting of Luminous Landscapes -- for many folk (particularly Landscape shooters) - Michael and the team at LL was a way into ultra high quality work. Following his sad loss, his son Josh has taken over the business and is driving it forward. I subscribed to the magazine and many of their specials - both hardcopy and digital. Luminous Landscape on YouTube and their Web Site -- Michael Reichmann started The Luminous Landscape in 1999 after his friend Chris Sanderson suggested that he take some of the magazine articles he had written over the years and repurpose them for the web. “What do I know about publishing on the web“, Michael replied?
I assume if you are on forums/fora you already view the forum’s content on YouTube. Please add your favourite new channels on YouTube in the comments. Here are a few suggestions from others:
  • Jimmy Breitenstein great videos on wildlife photography in remote areas (his Grizzly videos in the middle of nowhere Alaska are a must see)
  • Duade Paton Wildlife - down to earth bird photography and gear testing
  • Brent Hall wildlife and landscape in New Mexico - he's a bit crazy but very real
  • Steve Mattheis wildlife in the Tetons. A bit long winded monologues and he has slowed down his releases quite a bit lately so not sure he is as committed to video as he was.
  • Photoshop Cafe the absolute reference in my view for small, practical tricks on how to use Photoshop
  • Whistling Wings for Canon shooters primarily- great Florida bird photography
  • Mark Galer talented Sony ambassador so 100% biased but if you shoot Sony (like I do) one of the best no-nonsense references out there.
  • Gerald Undone, best technical discussion on mostly equipment, occasionally technique
  • Danny Gevirtz, mostly technique, some equipment
  • Photography Life - great guidance and shots
  • Mike Lane - Wildlife photography by Mike Lane FRPS
  • Photography Online Show - made by a pro team - new content drops on the 2nd and final Sunday of each month at 4pm (UK time).
  • Jimmy Breitenstein great videos on wildlife photography in remote areas (his Grizzly videos in the middle of nowhere Alaska are a must see)
  • Brent Hall wildlife and landscape in New Mexico - he's a bit crazy but very real
  • Steve Mattheis wildlife in the Tetons. A bit long winded monologues and he has slowed down his releases quite a bit lately so not sure he is as committed to video as he was.
  • Photoshop Cafe the absolute reference in my view for small, practical tricks on how to use Photoshop
  • Whistling Wings for Canon shooters primarily- great Florida bird photography
  • Mark Galer talented Sony ambassador so 100% biased but if you shoot Sony (like I do) one of the best no-nonsense references out there.
  • Gerald Undone, best technical discussion on mostly equipment, occasionally technique
  • Danny Gevirtz, mostly technique, some equipment
  • Nigel Danson, Landscape photographer-Great YouTube videos every Sunday morning
  • Simon Booth on landscape and macro - great on light, composition and seeing art in nature
  • Sean Tucker
  • Pangolin Wildlife can be interesting for their photo safari info and some basic photography advice
  • Expressive Photography - Alister Been - A landscape shooter
  • Trond Westby Nikon wildlife photographer
  • Espen Helland Olympus wildlife photographer
  • Simon Eardley Ex Nikon now Olympus wildlife photographer
  • Ray Hennessy
  • Wildlife Inspired w/ Scott Keys
  • Sparky Stensaas - lots of content from Sax Zim Bog
  • Jeff and Leslie Wildlife & Nature Photography
  • Simon d’Entremont - professional nature, astrophotography and wildlife photographer living in Nova Scotia, Canada
  • Will Goodlet - this is the behind the scenes story of how Will gets some of his shots. It's not easy to juggle between stills and video and he does not always capture video footage of the wildlife, a usable still and a piece-to-camera explaining the shot.
  • Walks on the Wild Side - Scott Walker (Walks) and this is Walks On The Wild Side: the channel where he helps folk capture the beauty of nature through your camera lens. Scott takes all aspects of nature photography - wildlife, macro, woodland, landscapes and more.
  • Anthony Morganti - ridiculous detailed post processing guidance.
  • Blake Rudis - Photoshop and Photography education.
  • Evergreen Wilderness - Evergreen Wilderness explores the diverse ecosystem of the Pacific Northwest: Puget Sound, Cascade Range, Columbia River Basin, Olympic Peninsula and the Pacific Ocean. Experience the wild side of Washington State USA.
There are of course large established channels on you Tube and channels from very well known shooter top. Here are a few I follow:
  • Annie Leibovitz - Anna-Lou "Annie" Leibovitz is an American portrait photographer. She is best known for her engaging portraits—particularly of celebrities—which often feature subjects in intimate settings and poses. She photographed John Lennon on the day he was murdered, and her work has been used on numerous album covers and magazines. She became the first woman to hold an exhibition at Washington's National Portrait Gallery in 1991.
  • Karl Taylor - Karl has been a professional photographer for more than 20 years. His work is published internationally and he regularly works for some of the world's leading companies. Karl became involved in the photography training market ten years ago after hosting lectures in photography and finding he had a knack for explaining the subject in an entertaining and understandable way. Since then Karl has become very passionate about his Training Series and is keen to demonstrate professional but achievable photography techniques in the simplest way possible. Karl is also a global ambassador to Hasselblad, Broncolor and Manfrotto and has consulted on photography techniques for Adobe and the BBC.
  • Matt Granger - Whether you shoot Nikon, Canon, Sony, Pentax, Leica... or WHATEVER! Photography tips, tricks and reviews from Matt Granger. Check out his tours, courses and travel
  • Matt Irwin Photography - Packed full of lessons, tips, tutorials and behind the scenes- this is your masterclass in photography from one of Melbourne’s best known streetscape and commercial photographers. I’m Matt Irwin. I’ve been photographing Australia for more than 30 years. I’ll be taking my Nikon D850 and my Hasselblad and getting amongst it. Join me at work on commercial shoots as well as chasing the fog on early winter mornings. Along the way I’ll be talking about the business of being a photographer- from the basics for beginners to the state of the industry. Think copyright and composition, gear and gadgets, street and studio. It is all here.
The whole Genre of Video and CINE is vast - I start from trying to understand "storey telling" and how CINE go about it:
  1. StudioBinder -- is one of the best, whether you want to buy their products or not - who layout the whole process call sheets, shot lists, shooting schedules, breakdowns, storyboards, moodboards and more. I have watched their "The Shot List" play list many times
  2. Raymond Parker - listed above -- does a good job introducing technology and how to shoot videos with hybrid systems.
Just search for "videography" will provide many posts. BUT then with all such shooting -- you have to have "the idea" or storey you want to tell and some kind of script and shot list, the gear, the production plan and team crew/talent and setups, then there is filming and recording performances AND the most daunting of all "post-production". Post-production or assembly, cutting/editing, effects/transitions, color grading, audio and delivery (to paraphrase the modules in DaVince Resolve 18 -- the FREE one and also Studio) -- is the single most challenging for me at least. Just capturing a few videos -- like I did on Saturday night when I recorded a Guy Fawkes Fireworks display both in 4k RAW and on my iPhone -- proved to me that it is simple to get "what one wants/needs" when one is just posting online using an iPhone than to process and grade RAW footage -- only 200GB in this case. Matching to the gear and settings you need to use to what you plan to use the vid for is vital when working with video. As stills shooters I tend to go for capturing with the best tools I have at hand -- I know, while I may post some output on line, the files also need to be read to be printed for 40" x 32" as a fine art or a healthy crop to isolate subjects etc... But video has to be either entirely unplanned or much more thought through in advance. AND heaven help you if you expect high quality audio on your vids if you plan to use in-camera pre-amps and recording -- most folk use some form of timecode sync'd 32-floating bit field recorder(s) and professional microphones as well as suitable camera, lenses and supports. It is really easy to clip in-camera audio -- fireworks, loud vehicles etc.. -- and loose any dialogue if mic's are not correctly located and isolated from environmental noise. There are a couple of really GREAT CINE - audio posters -- my favourite BY FAR is Curtis Judd AND then you need to learn your software -- I happen to currently use DVR18 (which is the only accessible app that allows me to process Nikon RAW 12-bit NEV files), but have used final cut and premiere pro -- these are daunting at first glance, but like all such tools there can be as easy or complex to use as you need and once you learn the basic well it becomes your choice. Most vendors have their own education resources and there are a lot of folk posting "how to" on line. Vlogging and livestreaming have their own challenges -- from the basics and then how one takes a live stream and restreams it -- I am absolutely no expert and choose not t do this -- but again there are many posts and searching "how to....." will give you many choices.
I assume if you are on these forum you already view Steve's content on YouTube. AND I assume you also follow Luminous Landscape and other original content producers who were "doing" this before YouTube existed.

Please add your favourite new channels on YouTube in the comments

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Thank so much for these...I do watch videos of a few from the list, all excellent.. Really looks like a neat hand-picked list. Will definitely try the ones I was unaware of..Thanks again :)✨
A very nice initiative, I have what to do while the weather is poor and I am cleaning up my image archives.

On a side note, just browsing the links makes me understand better why the photography market is still tumbling down.