Lenses for Brown Bears in Katmai NP

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Here is a link to a SmugMug gallery with a few photos from my trip. I have lots of images to go through, so I'm not sure they are the best. But I found them interesting and used them for a group slideshow on the last night of my trip.

Wow, Bill, these are fabulous images! Especially love the ones of the cubs. Thanks for sharing - can't wait to go myself!
Wow, Bill, these are fabulous images! Especially love the ones of the cubs. Thanks for sharing - can't wait to go myself!
In the fall, you should have the silver/coho salmon run. I think that run tends to peak in September. Our local guide said that the two best times to visit Katmai to see bears were during the red/sockeye salmon run (mid-July through mid-August) and the silver/coho salmon run (September). These runs concentrate the bears near the rivers where the salmon are. Otherwise they tend to be pretty dispersed throughout a very large park. And, of course, the salmon move from the ocean up through the rivers and lakes, so where they are varies from day to day, making a local guide quite helpful.

I hope you have a wonderful time. I'm sure you will.