Phalacrocorax carbo Great Cormorant : dispute

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Supporting Member
The left one was on the perch, but the other wanted the place...
This is a crop made with Nikon D500 and AFS 200-500mm focal 500mm f/5.6 1/1000s Iso 110.
D5C_4930_500 mm_1-1000 s à f - 5,6_ISO 110-2-200.0-500.0 mm f-5.6-110-1-1000 s-5.6-500 mm-C1 2.jpg
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Great dynamic shot. These guys are always hard to capture, even harder against a bright back ground and back lit. You have done a good job. I try to add a little ev when I can remember, but in heat of the moment I forget more than I remember.