White Tern

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Tough one to critique. Overall I like the shot - exposure is spot on (which is tricky for white birds) and the one has a nice catchlight. I would maybe try to get rid of that bit of branch that's trying to intrude on the back bird's head. The only other thing I wish was that the front one was turned a bit more to the camera or you were more to the left. However, the situation may not have allowed for it. Regardless, those are minor nits and I think it's a nice shot. :)
Thank you Steve for the constructive feedback. Your three ebooks on Secrets to stunning wildlife, Exposure & metering for Nikon and Nikon Autofocus system have helped me a lot. After reading the ebooks and applying the techniques that I have learned, I now get more keepers but I am not there yet as a wildlife photographer :). BTW, I like this critique forum. Thank you again.
Detail in the white feathers is very nice! Separation is great. Steve's point is (of course!) spot on re that branch to the immediate left of the left most bird; see what the photo looks like removing all of it. Love the beaks on these flyers.