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Very nice. I got a similar pic of one at Point Reyes National Seashore a few years ago. Yours came out better.
Thanks, to be fair this is in my back yard so lots of practice and very selective in the shots. :cool:
My backyard is definitely not that exciting

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So not technically my backyard, but this came by my parents' house while I was there. They see them on a fairly regular basis, especially in the colder months. There's a few well known breeding pairs around the lake there.
This Red Tailed Hawk (?) stopped by my backyard bird feeder last summer. I went inside, fetched my camera with a 70-200 lens. It just sat there fr some time, even let me approach. It was either very young or too hungry to take flight in hopes of a meal.

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This Red Tailed Hawk (?) stopped by my backyard bird feeder last summer. I went inside, fetched my camera with a 70-200 lens. It just sat there fr some time, even let me approach. It was either very young or too hungry to take flight in hopes of a meal.

View attachment 29846
ominous pic for the other birds! Hawks are always swooping my feeders and the resulting bomb burst of little birds in all directions. Good catch that he stayed awhile.
After dark the west side of our house, past the master bedroom and small patio turns into a wildlife highway. We capture a lot of wildlife including deer, raccoons, opossum, rabbits, feral cats and more. Here are a couple of deer photos from last night. The light is from the Ring camera.
Shot with Nikon Z6, Nikkor 24-70S f/4 lens. ISO were in the 11000-12000 range. Processed for noise in DxO PhotoLab and LrC. Quality is weak, but the traffic is regular so I can work on the capture.
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