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Tim Karels

Well-known member
Supporting Member
I took this photograph of a Clark's grebe earlier this summer when I was in Yellowstone. While I was watching it through the viewfinder I thought that the specular highlights in the water seemed interesting. I know that some have criticized PF lenses for their rendering of highlights, but after examining afterwards, I don't find them that bad. I'm curious as to how other's think of the highlights. Too distracting, or does it add to the atmosphere of the photo?
Clark's grebe.jpg
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Lovely grebe image! In this shot, I would be tempted to remove the purish white circles and leave the smaller and softer circles. Then depending on how the image looked, I might also try removing the very large circles in the foreground along the bottom and near the reflection of the head.

I think the final decision is up to the photographer.
Tim that's a very good capture and I like the highlights. I agree with Karen - It really is good to go but I would personally be tempted to remove the brightest 5 or 6 as well as clean up the bottom 25% of highlights. I find the bottom lot more "distracting" that the brightest spots higher up
Thanks for your comments everyone. Instead of removing the highlights in the photo above I just searched for a shot that had fewer highlights. This is one that I found with fewer of the really bright and large highlights.
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