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There is simply no point in denying it anymore. Belted Kingfishers HATE ME!!!

Trust me, I know if I ever really want to get good images I need a blind but I am stubborn...

Anyway I got close to getting a few shots that allow the viewer to almost identify the jerk err Kingfisher and I figured I better share them before the mere fact that I have these images on my NAS causes my internet connection to self destruct.
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Note - I maybe over stating the power of a Kingfisher to reign destruction upon me, but it sure does not feel like it considering how many time I have tried and failed to get a halfway decent shot...
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Better than I, I have only seen one in my total photography life! Happy you had this success, carry on
Mention too, you can add several photos in a group, rather than 3 separate posts. May be easier
Johnathan, I share your pain. Keep at it. Persistence will pay off. You’re on her but shutterspeed way to slow. Shoot above 1/2000 and put it on auto iso. They have me talking to myself all the time. But I keep going back for more. They are very addictive.
Thanks Ralph,

Yeah, shutter speed was way to low. I pretty much forget everything I know about taking photos as soon as I see a Kingfisher... :)
I have had little success photographing kingfishers. They typically keep plenty of distance between themselves and me. The closest one ever got was, of course, the time that I didn't have a camera with a telephoto lens.
Are you reading my story or what?!! Those things fly away when they see me at 30 meters! Cracked me up when you called them jerks because those are my sentiments exactly! F*g jerks! Maybe if I buy an underwater camera I can slooooowly snorkel up to them undetected. Maybe that will work! :mad::unsure::D