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These two Western bluebirds happened to land on the same stalk for me on a recent hike....
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The shot itself is very nice.

It could do with a little more crop to get rid of the bits of plants jutting in from the left and perhaps applying some dehaze in LR to really make the colors pop.
I agree with StefanSC, less space on the left but not just to eliminate the branches on the far left, but to make both birds equally centered, it seems a little lopsided. Easy fix, not a problem. I love this shot though, they're beautiful and how often do you catch that?! Good eye!
Thanks to everyone for your comments and editing tips! I'll work on it a little and see if it looks better.
I'm working with NX Studio for now until I upgrade my computer.
Thanks for the comments once again. We finally got the internet back after CA's big storms, so I tried to edit the original a little more. My tendency is to go light on editing, especially until I learn more. I'm still using NX Studio for now. (My plan is to get a new computer, add LrC, a used 5 drive NAS from my brother who's upgrading, then gradually...move to a z8. Probably in that order.)

My focus is a little off, I'm looking forward to the help a z8 can offer me with this, especially with the new firmware....in the meantime I'll keep trying. The extra cropping also might be augmenting the focus being off.

I cropped this a little more and changed a few sharpening settings, etc. I don't know what NX Studio's equivalent of dehaze might be.
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