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Tony B

Well-known member
What a glorious bird! Thanks for looking!

That face! Beautifully ugly or ugly-ly beautiful! 😍
I like your team- point and shoot, seems you are also married to Old Eagle Eye's daughter, like me.
My wife and I truly appreciate your awesome response, Callie! We celebrated our 42nd wedding anniversary this past February!
Tony, you got it right, we celebrated our 50th aniv last October in the Kgalagadi with about 30 different lions. And Ol' Eagle eye still nails the birds for me. 😁
Here's a couple more. In the first photo I locked focus on the cormorant and moved the camera slightly below the top of a railing at the end of a dock. The defocused railing allowed me to create a dreamlike "fog" effect, which I found interesting.

