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American Wigeon riding the stormy seas...

D850, 500mm PF
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That's the best one I got. Still a beginner. D850 500mm
Good light and great color not to mention tack sharp where it needs to be. Nicely done.

In terms of learning, don't feel compelled to entirely fill the frame. The shot would have been stronger if you'd given the mallard more room to breathe. If this is a crop you might try a looser crop that gives the duck more room in the frame especially on the top and bottom edges.
I had to crop that tight to be able to post it. Thanks for the kind words.
The trick to file uploading is resizing to no larger than 1200x800 pixels. There's no need to crop the photo at all, just downsize it with image editing software. If you don't use something like Lightroom or Photoshop which include image resizing functions you can do it with various free image editing applications or can even do it in Windows Paint if you use a Windows system.

The basic flow is to crop if desired for aesthetic reasons and then resize the image to no larger than 1200 pixels wide or 800 pixels tall and save it as a jpeg for posting.
Came across this older Coot image while reviewing and cleaning up my archives. Coots are tricky with their dark bodies and bone white beaks and from a distance they're not too impressive but I like they way they look up close with their red eyes which came out pretty well on this overcast and rainy day.

Nikon D2X, 600mm f/4 D lens @ f/4, 1/180", ISO 320
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