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Squirrel Portrait (1 of 1).jpg
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Thanks Ken! He was actually eyeing my turkey sub on the picnic table...!
They hang out in our yard and eat the food we put out for the birds. I do not mind, but they do get a bit overly friendly, and that is not good for them, so it is a bit of a balancing act when I put out food and they see me.

They hang out in our yard and eat the food we put out for the birds. I do not mind, but they do get a bit overly friendly, and that is not good for them, so it is a bit of a balancing act when I put out food and they see me.

Same at our house Kenā€¦. They will come to the windows looking for ā€œgoodiesā€ā€¦.šŸ˜‚
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Same at our house Kenā€¦. They will come to the windows looking for ā€œgoodiesā€ā€¦.šŸ˜‚
View attachment 89353
Yes, on occasion I have seen one at a window or at our back door trying to look pitifully cute. They are quite the athletes, and often enjoyable to watch, but my wife who gardens has some different feelings about how their efforts to "redesign" her garden by digging up bulbs.

Yes, on occasion I have seen one at a window or at our back door trying to look pitifully cute. They are quite the athletes, and often enjoyable to watch, but my wife who gardens has some different feelings about how their efforts to "redesign" her garden by digging up bulbs.

Same here Ken, She fusses with them as they run across the deck with a juicy flower bulb. Iā€™ve been encouraged to fetch my trusty .22 and ā€œthinā€ them outā€¦šŸ˜‚
Same here Ken, She fusses with them as they run across the deck with a juicy flower bulb. Iā€™ve been encouraged to fetch my trusty .22 and ā€œthinā€ them outā€¦šŸ˜‚
Perhaps you could introduce your wife to Mark Rober videos to change her mind? :rolleyes:

He's got way too much time on his hands, but I have to admit that his videos do give you a new-found respect for squirrels.


Perhaps you could introduce your wife to Mark Rober videos to change her mind? :rolleyes:

He's got way too much time on his hands, but I have to admit that his videos do give you a new-found respect for squirrels.


Hey Ken, I think weā€™ve seen these on PBS Nature shows. Iā€™ll check them out. Grey squirrels šŸæļø are great problem solvers when it comes to finding a way to get food and funny to watch. Digging in the flower beds is not amusing to my wife howeverā€¦..