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Kelp Gull on final approach.
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Life has been getting in the way of photography the past couple of months. Had an inordinate number of magpies messing about the back yard so grabbed a couple of shots.

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Ring-billed Gull(s)
2024-01-26 Conowingo Dam_166-Enhanced-NR.jpg
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2024-01-26 Conowingo Dam_196-Enhanced-NR.jpg
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2024-01-26 Conowingo Dam_197-Enhanced-NR.jpg
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2024-01-26 Conowingo Dam_199-Enhanced-NR.jpg
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2024-01-26 Conowingo Dam_200-Enhanced-NR.jpg
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Launch from creekside…..sometimes you just get lucky….
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You can only see EXIF info for this image if you are logged in.
You can only see EXIF info for this image if you are logged in.
You can only see EXIF info for this image if you are logged in.
You can only see EXIF info for this image if you are logged in.