Steinbok after thunderstorm

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I took this photo after the passage of a couple of fairly intense thunderstorms, I had taken shelter in a ravine that ibexes also sometimes use.
Fortunately after a few hours the weather improved and the animals also came out of their shelters
DIO_5634 copia.jpg
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The king of the mountain inspecting his kingdom after the storm (or something like that!)! Beautiful, the contrast between fog and rock, the depth and atmosphere, the rocks themselves would already make a good image. And then the steinbok looking over the whole seen, superb!
I love this shot. Awesome environmental photo. It really captures the Ibex in it's harsh and rugged environment.

I was hoping to see some Ibex during my trip to the Dolomites back in June. I saw one female while hiking out near Refugio Biella near Cortina, but she was very skittish and ran off quickly. Each morning and evening from my hotel balcony in Colfosco I watched Roe deer in the fields across the street and some kind of goats (maybe chamois) on the cliffs across from me, but they were too far away and inaccessible to get a shot.
I love this shot. Awesome environmental photo. It really captures the Ibex in it's harsh and rugged environment.

I was hoping to see some Ibex during my trip to the Dolomites back in June. I saw one female while hiking out near Refugio Biella near Cortina, but she was very skittish and ran off quickly. Each morning and evening from my hotel balcony in Colfosco I watched Roe deer in the fields across the street and some kind of goats (maybe chamois) on the cliffs across from me, but they were too far away and inaccessible to get a shot.
Thank you
There are fewer ibex in the Dolomites than here. The females are always a little more diffident😉.
yes chamois👍