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Hooligans Imagery

Michael H
Supporting Member
And blessed us with water for the soul.

My cats wrote this all, I swear.

Finch House of Worship  - _MDH0381 - July 17, 2024 copy.jpg
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Michael, I have to ask……You appear to have a super-cool 😎rock or boulder fountain that pumps water up through a pipe or drilled hole…. Or did Moses happen to wander by with Aaron and strike the rock with his staff? This feature has been in many of your images and I want one. It really draws in the birds… and it’s so natural looking,….

We are in AZ, there's a lot of rocks, even people have heads made of them.
This is petrified wood, and yes a hole was drilled.
It sits on a heavy duty fountain basin similar to this but larger for this outdoor use.
Inside the basin is a Pondmaster Pond Mag 500gph pump.
The basin is connected with a floater valve and PVC to a faucet bib.
The pump is on an outdoor KASA timer.
Here I moved some of the rocks so you can see the basin.

Thank you Michael! Great idea to discuss with wife…. We don’t live around petrified wood but a substitute could likely be located. I appreciate that you took the time to move some of the rocks for an explanation of its construction. The quail family in the fountain was also great by the way…
Thank you Michael! Great idea to discuss with wife…. We don’t live around petrified wood but a substitute could likely be located. I appreciate that you took the time to move some of the rocks for an explanation of its construction. The quail family in the fountain was also great by the way…
I find this type pretty easy to maintain and have gotten shots I could not otherwise get. The key is finding someone that sells the rock and drills it. The rest can be done by someone handy.

It truly has let me get images I could never have imagined. Like this one, but also Cardinals, the Quail family, curve billed thrasher and others.
We were there in 2017, the Sonoran Desert, which may be familiar or similar to your location. As desolate as the terrain appeared there was beautiful wildlife if you just looked in the right places. Never saw the quail, roadrunners or any you have presented, but did get these. Beautiful place to live.
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