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  1. V

    Little bee-eater

    This little feathered friend posed nicely in the windy Tanzanian Serengeti
  2. Wrogu

    Bee-eaters - the most colourful birds Poland has to offer

    Hello, this year I had a chance to spend some time and photograph two bee eater colonies. One of them was my local one, located in Northern Poland. Few years ago such encounter would be more than unusual but now I hear about bee eaters going as far as Sweden! The second one was located in...
  3. Wrogu

    Bee-eaters so far

    Hello! This is a new species for me. In my region they are quite rare birds, as they prefere rather warmer regions. A few shots from my first outings. I hope to have a chance to shoot them later this year before they are off to Arfica and in subsequent years. #1 #2 #3 #4 Cheers, Michal
  4. Prashant Prakash

    Green bee-eater with a proud catch!!

    An unexpectingly bold Green bee-eater showing off its prized catch. Below is a vertical crop which I feels showcases the eye and the catch a bit better. :)