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  1. kkr_images

    Sea otters

    This past week, my husband and I went on a boat "safari" in Elkhorn Slough, a 7-mile-long tidal slough and estuary on Monterey Bay in California. The Slough is California's second largest estuary and the United States' first estuarine sanctuary. The trip was organized by the Nature Conservancy...
  2. kkr_images

    Western Grebes

    The Western Grebes are still out on lakes and reservoirs near San Jose, California. These photos were taken a few weeks ago. We did not see any evidence that the birds had gone to nest; they were still displaying and bonding. In the first image, the bird is just thrusting itself out of the...
  3. kkr_images

    Gray-heading Flying Foxes

    Most encounters with bats are at night when flashes are essential for getting a good shot. While in Queensland, Australia, I had the opportunity to see thousands of bats during the day but this posed another set of challenges. We arrived at mid-day. There was not a cloud in the sky and it was...
  4. kkr_images

    Northern Cardinal

    Northern Cardinal are a common sight for people living in the east and south. But, for those of us from Northern California, these stunning red birds are a special treat to see and photograph. These images were all taken in Hidalgo County, Texas.