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  1. kshitijsharma

    A mosquito and a drop!

    Sometimes mosquitos drink the water too
  2. lukemeup


    Nikon knocked it out of the park with this 105 Z macro lens. :) I'm just starting to dabble with macro & I'm super pleased with the performance. These are all handheld - I'll play with tripod & stacking on a non-windy days. :)
  3. ChengHai Yang

    Tiny roadside wildflower

    As I walked around on my backyard garden, I noticed this tiny wildflower, I don’t know its name! It was so tiny to see by naked eyes, its actual size was only less than 2mm height, so I decided to pick it to my studio and shot it by my Nikkor EL reversed lens of 75mm, f/5.6, 1/30, 100 ISO with...