nikon 500 mm pf

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  1. R

    Leopard Chase in Pench

    Pench - Oct 2023 Z8, 500PF, f/5.6, 1/1600, ISO -7200, NR in Lightroom Enhance
  2. MarcoScocco

    Grey Heron - Nikon D500 + Nikon 500mm 5.6 - @5.6 1/3200 ISO 720

  3. vinikrish

    Focussing issue with Nikon 500PF

    Hello, Greetings from Dallas, TX. I am having this strange issue with my 500PF lens. It started happening as I was sitting in a blind this past weekend. I had just changed the battery on my Z6II. As I turned the camera back on and tried to check the focus, it would not auto focus. I cleaned all...
  4. Shlomo Neuman

    Experience with Nikon 500 mm PF lens in Costa Rica?

    I am debating between the following long lens combinations for the upcoming Costa Rica workshop (simply because I own all of these): 1. Nikon 400 mm FL Nikon 300 mm PF TC x1.4, 1.7, 2.0 2. Nikon 500 mm PF Nikon 300 mm PF TC x1.4 3. Nikon 400 mm FL Nikon 500 mm PF Nikon...