nikon z6iii

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  1. Hooligans Imagery

    Snapbridge Geotagging Z6iii

    Was trying to set this up and it works for images downloaded to the smartphone. Does anyone with a Z8 know if the location can be embedded to the NEF file? Doesn’t seem so from the instructions. I have only an iPad with me so can open a program that might tell me. Thanks in advance.
  2. S

    Z8 or Z6iii as Z7 Replacement?

    I've been planning a Z8 as a replacement for my Z7. Now the Z6iii has me wondering. I shoot mostly landscape, travel, and macro, but am starting to get into wildlife. I like some of the features of the Z6iii but don't really want to go back to 24MP. But if I did, I'm not sure what I'd be missing...