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  1. rbenjey

    Dump and Roll

    Fortunate/unfortunate recent capture 😬😂
  2. tahoemike00

    Thinking of getting a lens suited for wildlife photography.

    As a beginner wildlife/bird shooter wannabe: I did do forum search here on the topic, as well as several youtube videos and other informational sources, but I thought I would ask you all as so many of you have been in the game for a long time. I am in "transition mode" between DSLR to...
  3. rbenjey

    Evening Moon

    Captured earlier this week: --- Gear: Nikon Z6II • Nikkor 180-600mm Focal Length: 600mm Aperture: f/8 Shutter Speed: 1/320th sec Sensitivity: ISO 1600
  4. T

    Nikon long glass question...

    Hi all, I am Frank, from Switzerland, and this is my first post here. Have been reading for a lot longer, but i like some feedback on a question i am pondering. My current equipment for wildlife is: Z9 + Zf + 135mm + 100-400mm + 800mm. Also own the TCs. I had good results with this (no...
  5. fcotterill

    Nikon 100-400 and 400 f/2.8 S, teleconverter Reviews - Thom Hogan Appended in Edit -
  6. Ado Wolf

    Focal length for Birding? Upgrade from 200-500mm

    I know this may be a provokative question to ask.. that might stir up debates.. but here goes: I am looking for an upgrade for my 200-500mm. It is sharp and versatile, but not suitable for long hikes (heavy / front end heavy). For mammals (deer, fox, wild bore) I happily use my 300 PF. I...
  7. Otto

    A year of Egrets!

    After having reviewed some of Steve's videos and books I went back to the field. I followed an Egret for a few day and hung out for a while. I was able to get pretty close by crawling on my belly on the semi-wet ground ( bit of mud here and there) and not spook the bird two days in a row. I...