14mm vs 100mm

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HI all,

These shots were taken looking southeast towards Naco Mexico, it's close to Bisbee Arizona. I thought it was interesting to see the image shot at 14mm vs 100mm with a side-by-side for comparison. I love the sky in the ultrawide shot but you miss out on the mountains and the nice light as you see in the 100mm image. :)

Sony A1
Sigma 14-24mm
Sony 100-400mm


Sony A1 + Sigma 14-24 by hatch1921, on Flickr

Sony A1 + 100-400 by hatch1921, on Flickr

Enjoy the day all.
Interesting to examine the compare. both are standouts

Many thanks, glad you like the images. It's just a reminder to me and maybe others to use a telephoto if you can while out scouting for ultrawide shots. I would have missed out on the nice light/mountains if I wasn't curious to see what it looked like with the 100-400 I had with me. :)

Many thanks, glad you like the images. It's just a reminder to me and maybe others to use a telephoto if you can while out scouting for ultrawide shots. I would have missed out on the nice light/mountains if I wasn't curious to see what it looked like with the 100-400 I had with me. :)

Any more than the 100 may have expressed compression. 100mm and the distance on the mtns. made for a wonderful photo
very good. You can clearly see how visually the depth of field is affected by the longer lens. Personally I always prefer the wider landscaped for that impression, and it's why I don't str to create a panorama from a series of images from a longer lens, like your 100mm. As with al things, its personal taste and neither are wrong/right or good/bad.