1st Ever BIFs

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Challenging to say the least, fairly healthy crops. Red-Tailed Kite and Red-Tailed Kite harassed by crow.
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You put this in the critique section, are you looking for general critique or something in particular? Good shot for your first ever!

In general something that stands out on my monitor is the white balance seems skewed toward the blue/too cool. Maybe try sliding the WB slider a little to warm it up.

Another general comment is the blacks are maybe too black. You used positive exposure compensation which is good against the bright sky and you managed not to blow out the sky which is good. Maybe go a step farther and selectively lighten those blacks to try a give a little more detail.
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yea, general critique. The second photo was at 1/1000, f/6.3, iso 900, it seems a bit soft although I like the look, don't know if because I should have used a higher shutter speed, it is cropped too much or it is slightly out of focus. Thanks
yea, general critique. The second photo was at 1/1000, f/6.3, iso 900, it seems a bit soft although I like the look, don't know if because I should have used a higher shutter speed, it is cropped too much or it is slightly out of focus. Thanks

Yes the cropping can make the noise more apparent and you do see that in your shot. What software are you using? There are some good denoise programs now.

1/1000 might be a bit slow for birds, but that can be situational.
Steve has some videos on the topic:
