399 and cub - Teton NP

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After we take skill, equipment and knowledge out of the photographic equation there is luck or no luck. Today I got lucky in Teton NP. This is maybe my fifth or sixth time at the park and I had never had a good opportunity to photograph 399. I was not willing to sit and wait all day for her to maybe appear as many people do. I took a road that I knew went to a small meadow by a parking area, this is before her usual meadow haunt, and there she was with her cub, Spirit. There was only about 15 vehicles there and we shot from the car as they were very close, maybe 30 feet or so (I'm bad with distances). The cub is very large and people are saying, "O, it's big because it was the only one." I have a different theory based on the cub's behavior since I was close enough to hear it and clearly see its behavior. The cub was very nervous, whined, and sniffed the air repeatedly. I'm speculating that her cub that she left with, who was raised around and used to people and cars, may have died and she picked up a yearling cub from a grizzly mom that died: this cub is the size of a two-year old. This cub, to me, displayed more wild behavior than I think a cub would that was raised initially in Teton NP. I would not be surprised if the rangers at some point do a DNA test since they do that kind of thing. She is also staying more hidden than in the past and the cub being so nervous might be why. The cub is very beautiful.

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Congrats on the encounter. Nice shots.
Thanks, I would have taken any grizzly but it was nice to find this one, I now have a pic of a little bit of Teton history. 399 is old and may not be around too many years longer so at least I got one shot! And the cub is so handsome, even if he does not end up belong to her.
After we take skill, equipment and knowledge out of the photographic equation there is luck or no luck. Today I got lucky in Teton NP. This is maybe my fifth or sixth time at the park and I had never had a good opportunity to photograph 399. I was not willing to sit and wait all day for her to maybe appear as many people do. I took a road that I knew went to a small meadow by a parking area, this is before her usual meadow haunt, and there she was with her cub, Spirit. There was only about 15 vehicles there and we shot from the car as they were very close, maybe 30 feet or so (I'm bad with distances). The cub is very large and people are saying, "O, it's big because it was the only one." I have a different theory based on the cub's behavior since I was close enough to hear it and clearly see its behavior. The cub was very nervous, whined, and sniffed the air repeatedly. I'm speculating that her cub that she left with, who was raised around and used to people and cars, may have died and she picked up a yearling cub from a grizzly mom that died: this cub is the size of a two-year old. This cub, to me, displayed more wild behavior than I think a cub would that was raised initially in Teton NP. I would not be surprised if the rangers at some point do a DNA test since they do that kind of thing. She is also staying more hidden than in the past and the cub being so nervous might be why. The cub is very beautiful.

View attachment 90983View attachment 90984View attachment 90986
Awesome! Well done👍👍👍