600 PF - FX/DX switch

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I don't use or currently have a need for any of the lens buttons on my 800PF with my Z9. That could be different if I had a Z8 and lost an FN button. I like all my front buttons as toggles, I assign my FN buttons as follows
FN1-RSF (Hold)
FN3 FX/DX Switch.

My rear buttons for all my AF Area+AF ON modes.
Shutter - Auto Area AF mode
AF-ON - 3D as backup to Auto Area though use it less then 5% of the time.
Sub Selector - Single Point

But I think most don't get why to use DX mode or when. It's not for "cropping" or to get more "reach", it's to enlarge the subject in the EVF as the AF system works directly off the EVF. Been saying this for 2 years now with the Z9. You can see the AF grab the head at a certain distance in FX but hit DX and it instantly grabs the eye. Hit FX and it instantly goes back to the AF box on the head. You can clearly see the difference. I'd much rather have a tack sharp 19.2MP image then a soft 45MP image.
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