A bit of Oklahoma and a bit of England on an Oklahoma road.

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Well-known member
I live in Oklahoma. The sunsets here are often spectacular. Here's one from a few days ago.
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Lake Hefner in the middle of Oklahoma City usually attracts a wide variety of birds and is especially active during migrations. But last week, all was quiet.
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I thought Stonehenge was in SW England. Looks like I found the road show on a rural road north of OKC.
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Enough for now. Nice to be here. Hope you all enjoy the photographs.
"Lake Hefner in the middle of Oklahoma City usually attracts a wide variety of birds and is especially active during migrations. But last week, all was quiet".....Except for the Space Shuttle coming in for a landing in the upper left! It's a beautiful shot of a beautiful lake. The airplane took me by surprise. I cleaned my screen thinking one of the cats had left a nose print.
"Lake Hefner in the middle of Oklahoma City usually attracts a wide variety of birds and is especially active during migrations. But last week, all was quiet".....Except for the Space Shuttle coming in for a landing in the upper left! It's a beautiful shot of a beautiful lake. The airplane took me by surprise. I cleaned my screen thinking one of the cats had left a nose print.
Thanks! I thought about cleaning that out but, sometimes, the little imperfections (?) add a bit of reality.