A bleak December day by the North Sea

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The North Sea is not very inviting in the height of summer. Today the wind was coming from the South, crashing the waves onto the groynes and shingle. It wasn't particularly cold and the wind was quite bracing, a lovely day to be outside. I didn't fancy a paddle though, even the Great Black Backed Gull looked a bit wind-blown.
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Good images of a bleak scene. I sat making pictures of Lake Ontario last weekend when the lake was stormy. Heavy overcast and rain, it was looking bleak like this. Contrary to your situation, here it was and is cold. It's almost depressing. And we're not even into winter proper yet!
Good images of a bleak scene. I sat making pictures of Lake Ontario last weekend when the lake was stormy. Heavy overcast and rain, it was looking bleak like this. Contrary to your situation, here it was and is cold. It's almost depressing. And we're not even into winter proper yet!
Just think though from next week the days will get longer and we can look forward (Covid permitting of course) to Spring. Let's hope for a bumper year of photography in 2021!