A displaying male Palm Cockatoo gets a look over from an interested female

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On our recent trip to Australia, we were lucky enough to photograph 18 species of parrots. Amongst these were 8 species of cockatoos. One of the most spectacular of the cockatoos are the Palm Cockatoos. They are large, have an amazing, erectile crest made up of long, thin feathers, and are an overall gray in color. But they are not dull in color, as they have unfeathered skin on their cheeks that is red and that blushes and even brighter red when they are excited. As seen here, both of the these birds are excited. The male was displaying and calling from the top of a tall tree stump when the female responded and came in to take a look. The female has her crest raised, so you can see the type of feathers that make up the crest. The males crest is relaxed and you can see the feathers lying down along his nape.
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