A few clips from a morning with a local burrowing owl family

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We have had burrowing owls at a nearby park for many years, despite all the nearby construction, etc. They even moved them one year to make way for a parking lot. In response to the worries of the birding community they have put fences up to keep people further away from them over the years (though the feral cats don't get stopped by these fences and the researchers insist on banding all the newborn chicks). So it is amazing to see that they have still survived (saw many trucks rumbling by as I photographed) and decided to go photograph them one morning this week. Used my 800mm lens with either the 1.4 or 2.0TC. Saw at least 6 owls this morning (not sure how many were chicks). Here are a few clips from the morning as they wake up and then hunt for bugs in the nearby field:
on Flickr:
on Youtube:
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