A few more flower shots

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Continuinf my learning and trying a few new/different things with focus stacking. Here are a few shots from this week. All shot on Nikon Z6 with 70-200mm f/2.8S and a Canon 500D (+2 diopter) closeup lens. All processed in LrC with more work done on some of the shots in Photoshop. Stacked in Helicon Focus using process C4.

The flowers are on my patio or in various places around the compound where I live. I do not clean the leaves or do more than remove bits of dead plant and dead blooms. Stacks typically include 30-80 shots depending on the depth of field I am looking for.

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Joe, #1 and 3# are most appealing to me. The white and orange stands out from the background nicely. You are doing a nice job on your focus stacks.
My favorite is #1. I will look for other examples of that flower next time I get out. The other shots are explorations of composition and how to address color. Yellow, Magenta and Red are challenging to me to best manage contrast, luminance and saturation since they can so easily over saturate and are so overpowering in many flowers (at least in my experience). Need to build that part of my skill set. Practice, practice, practice and read! Similar issues arise in handling my underwater shots where some of the colors are so intense under light that they overwhelm the sensor and make it hard to manage to an acceptable outcome.