A grey morning (and some fancy yellow legs) …

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David Berry

🇦🇺 Australia 🦘
White-faced Heron : Tinchi Tamba, SE Queensland
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White-faced Heron : Egretta novaehollandiae
Tinchi Tamba Wetlands, Queensland
Location on Map (zoom as necessary)
6:30 am; camera—subject: 14 metres

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I like the mood in this shot.
Bird on a stick… yet again (yawn!).

Okay, it was a big 'stick' — a fallen mangrove only slightly higher than my eye level — but there was a clear background, which was exactly what was needed, given that I was shooting 700mm with max aperture of f/10.

The background was water, not sky. If you click the map link (and choose 'satellite'; looking NW) you'll see that I was on a boardwalk across a floodplain, resulting in my being around four or five metres above the estuary at low tide: a look-down-at-a-bird-in-the-mud opportunity if ever there were one!

By choosing a bird-on-a-stick option, the water in the photo was 100–200 metres off.

Thank you dear heron for your patience with me, and thank you, Woody, for your kind comment.

… David