A Kenyan Odyssey

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Thanks for sharing it Rawla, excellent footage! Where and whom with was it shot if you don't mind me asking?
Krgds, Marcelo

Had gone with my wife and another couple from New Delhi. Wife is not a photographer but the other two were. We made our own travel arrangements through Safari Trails, a Kenya based travel house. Did Buffalo Springs (Samburu) and two locations in the Mara. The last one being a private conservancy called North Mara out of a Fairmont Property. Total of 9 days. 3 in each location. Finished it off with a R&R at Mombasa for 2 nights. June 2023.

Shot with a Z8 mostly. Was using the Z9 for stills. It was tricky handling both at once. One on a bean bag and other in hand. Had to be careful not to drop the cameras when the vehicle abruptly moved. 85% stills. 15% Video. This is culled from the 15%.
Had gone with my wife and another couple from New Delhi. Wife is not a photographer but the other two were. We made our own travel arrangements through Safari Trails, a Kenya based travel house. Did Buffalo Springs (Samburu) and two locations in the Mara. The last one being a private conservancy called North Mara out of a Fairmont Property. Total of 9 days. 3 in each location. Finished it off with a R&R at Mombasa for 2 nights. June 2023.

Shot with a Z8 mostly. Was using the Z9 for stills. It was tricky handling both at once. One on a bean bag and other in hand. Had to be careful not to drop the cameras when the vehicle abruptly moved. 85% stills. 15% Video. This is culled from the 15%.
Thanks for sharing the details Rawla, much appreciated.
Amazing work and skills! Congrats!
Krgds, Marcelo