A male Mountain Bluebird with dragonfly prey

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A pair of Mountain Bluebirds with young in their nest would fly onto a perch near the nest with prey to feed their young. The adults would take a look around to be sure they were not being watched by any predators and then fly to the nest with the food. The male would occasionally land on the staging perch with a dragonfly in his beak. He did have some difficulty getting this large insect through the entry hole to the nest hollow, and exactly how the nestlings ate such large mouthful is not clear to me. However, he came in a few times with dragonflies, which I guess was a lot of food at once. This image shows him looking round from the staging perch with a dragonfly in his beak.
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Superb image! Do you place in staging perch in position? Not a problem, IMHO.
Yes, we did place this staging perch. However, no calls and no bait. In addition, I have images on perches that we did not place, but they have less moss and lichen on them! Glad you like the image!