A Murder of Crows

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Andrew Lamberson

Well-known member
Supporting Member
I had a murder of crows in the backyard this evening, harassing something, probably a hawk or an owl I could not find. These two in particular were having a great time making a ruckus. I really like crows, but they are really hard to get a good shot of. I am pretty pleased with this one.
 A murder of Crows having some fun-0623-IMG_00001.jpg
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Neat shot, Andrew. I've never seen an image of two of them perched together like this. Clearly they are planning some evil deed together..... :)
I used to wonder why they called it a "murder of crows" and then one day, when a baby egret fell out of its nest and was being surrounded by crows, I understood why. Nature can be cruel.
I had a murder of crows in the backyard this evening, harassing something, probably a hawk or an owl I could not find. These two in particular were having a great time making a ruckus. I really like crows, but they are really hard to get a good shot of. I am pretty pleased with this one.
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Hekyl and Jekyl?

Nice shot of an exposure challenge.