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Member from Arizona
Supporting Member
I seldom post images anymore; guess I am getting too lazy. That said, I’d thought I offer a few images from a recent trip to the Pacific Rim Nat’l Park on the west coast of Vancouver Island, BC, Canada on a Brad Hill led photo tour. Late in the trip when we had some better weather that enabled part of the tour group to visit a remote rocky outcrop exposed to the Pacific Ocean swells. We found a solitary male California Sea Lion perched on a rocky throne. Quite the entertaining personality if I might say so. Shot with the Z9 and the Z 400 4/5 which is a stellar performer. All shot at 1/3200 as our zodiac was 'rocking 'n' and 'rolling' in the ocean swells.

Image 1. Carefully approached, he woke up from his nap.
Image 2. Decided to give us a humorous pose.
Image 3. Proceed to show us a ‘tough guy’ profile look.
Image 4. A few minutes later he got tired of looking at us and went back to sleep. We left.

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