A rare sighting in this part of Canada.

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Badger with young.

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That’s a really special picture of an animal that can be difficult to see and also quite fierce. Although they are in our area, I’ve yet to see one here. But I have seen video from a trail camera of a badger partnering with a coyote. They work together to flush prey. If it runs, the coyote chases it down. If it dives and digs, the badger gets it. Increases the success rate for both animals.
Wow Awesome!
They look like they want a treat and an ear rub. :cool:
Great capture. Came upon one of those on the Edith Cavell trail, sitting smack dab in the middle of trail. He stared me down. As I moved to go left around him he turned with me, so I went right and he turned with me. As I tried to go further to one side he moved off the trail toward me, again staring me down. I was near the top and off the trail was fairly steep scree all 'round so I let him have his way and called it a day LOL. Gorgeous animals.
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