A Review of Photography Winter Gloves

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Winter is almost upon us, and my fingers are starting to feel it!

I received this article from B&H Photo & Video last week and thought there might be some of you out there who might find it helpful.

Happy winter photographing!
The reviewer mentioned my fav winter gloves, Agloves. I've used them for years. Fit is fantastic, easy to fiddle with the setting of the camera while wearing them, and I can place my hands on coat pocket while wearing.
The reviewer mentioned my fav winter gloves, Agloves. I've used them for years. Fit is fantastic, easy to fiddle with the setting of the camera while wearing them, and I can place my hands on coat pocket while wearing.
I, too, use AGloves. They were only $20 a pair at the Gloves.com web site in the last couple of years, but I don't know if they've gone up with the global supply chain shortage. They are good in-between seasons, but as the reviewer mentioned, they're not warm enough in really cold weather. I've worn them in weather down to about 28ºF, but I've had to put my ski glove liners on first. And even then, they really aren't warm enough.
I, too, use AGloves. They were only $20 a pair at the Gloves.com web site in the last couple of years

they are on sale at B-H now for a cheap 7.95 price! The description does not pitch them as cold weather gloves on the B-H

they are on sale at B-H now for a cheap 7.95 price! The description does not pitch them as cold weather gloves on the B-H

Those might make a decent liner for actual winter gloves, but I wouldn't expect them to protect my hands in the colder northern climbs.

Rachael Jones Ross ( www.astralisphotography.com ) is a photographer who performs Astrophotography in the Canadian Rockies and is frequently out in the cold overnight. She recommends gloves by The Heat Company ( www.theheatcompany.com ) which consist of a mitten with a touch sensitive inner liner. The mitten is opened when needed to allow manipulation of camera controls. These gloves also have adequate room for hand warmers. There is a section dedicated to photography gloves on the Heat Company‘s website. Of note, Racheal Ross recenfly did a YouTube video for Capture One describing the necessary requirements for cold weather photography.
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