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To continue with cockatoos as the subject of my posts, I am posting today an image of a Sulfur-crested Cockatoo. This back lit cockatoo is fly past with a bit of food in its beak. Males and females look the same, except for the color their iris. In males, the iris is quite dark (almost black), and in females, the iris is reddish brown. Most people think of this cockatoo as being all white with a yellow crest, but, as seen here, they have yellow highlights to the undersides of their wings and tails. Of all the cockatoo species, I think this is the one is commonly thought of when the subject of cockatoos comes up. However, there are actually 21 species in the family Cacatuidae. We very fortunate during our recent trip to Australia, as we saw 8 of the species. And, of course, cockatoos are parrots.
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