Adjust shutter speed or use exposure compensation?

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I have been shooting in Manual with auto ISO and so far have been very pleased with the technique. However when framing up a shot....mainly landscapes so far....If the exposure indicator shows that the shot is either over or under exposed or the ISO is out of the range you set for it, do you correct for this by adjusting the aperture/and or shutter speed or by using exposure compensation ? Which is best/easiest/faster?
I have been shooting in Manual with auto ISO and so far have been very pleased with the technique. However when framing up a shot....mainly landscapes so far....If the exposure indicator shows that the shot is either over or under exposed or the ISO is out of the range you set for it, do you correct for this by adjusting the aperture/and or shutter speed or by using exposure compensation ? Which is best/easiest/faster?
If I've hit one of the limits of Auto ISO (high or low limit) and you've already settled on aperture for DOF reasons then really changing shutter speed is your only option as changing exposure comp will only over or under expose the image if you're already slammed up against an auto ISO limit.

But if you're well within the Auto ISO working range and the scene demands some exposure comp then I dial in exposure comp as needed. That could be recognized via spot metering or via a test shot and looking at the histogram or just experience with similar scenes, but if there's still plenty of ISO working range and you want to alter the exposure when running auto ISO then the exposure comp control is the way to do it.