Adobe converter

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Well-known member
Buying a Nikon D500 I found that Literoom v5.6 does not recognise the camera files.
I was advised to download Adobe converter.This works fine but each time I download my SD card it repeatedly begins numbering from 1 onwards.
The converter has a greyed out panel ‘begin numbering’ but I cannot seem to activate it.
At the moment I have 40 odd separate folders each with a days shooting
I’m hoping that someone can advise me if, or how I can number my files continuously ? would something like Bulk Rename Utility mentioned on the blog be of use?
Many Thanks for any replies.
That's really odd - not sure what going on. I looked at my DNG converter and it works as expected (keeping the proper number). Out of curiosity, what do you have set for the "Select name for converted images" drop box?

I have mine set like this and when I tested it imported the 12 images and remembered to start at image 13:

Screen Shot 2020-08-29 at 9.28.34 AM.png
Hi Steve, nice to hear from you ,feel as if I know you well.
In the select name for converted images box I usually put something like an abbreviation for the site followed by a 6 figure date (Pitsford 290820)
I have never managed to get the begin numbering dialogue box open.
Looks like that may be where I’m going wrong.
I’ll fill in the top box as you have and see if the begin numbering box opens.
Hopefully it’s that easy .
Steve,Compliments on the site it’s really good. Your you tube vids are very helpful and instructive with a great sense of humour .
Thank you for your reply Robin.
Hi Steve, nice to hear from you ,feel as if I know you well.
In the select name for converted images box I usually put something like an abbreviation for the site followed by a 6 figure date (Pitsford 290820)
I have never managed to get the begin numbering dialogue box open.
Looks like that may be where I’m going wrong.
I’ll fill in the top box as you have and see if the begin numbering box opens.
Hopefully it’s that easy .
Steve,Compliments on the site it’s really good. Your you tube vids are very helpful and instructive with a great sense of humour .
Thank you for your reply Robin.
Yup, based on the format you mention, it would just start at "1" each time. So, use one of the serial number options with one of the drop downs and you should be good :)
Hi Steve I feel a bit of a fool.😝 The numbering box opened and worked straight off.
Very grateful for your help . Have only about 10,000 shots to alter.......
Cheerz Robin