Adult Cooper's hawk in backyard

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Sorry about the underexposed subject. A dark gray hawk on a snowy background... I looked out my back window and noticed the adult Cooper's hawk had just grabbed a mourning dove in my back yard. D500, Nikon 200-500 at 500: ISO 500, F7.1, 1/800 second, +1.33 EV. I could have used a little more EV but, honestly, there wasn't enough time for multiple shots. It was here and gone in a matter or seconds.
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Nice Jeff, not that you asked but it might look a little better if you brought up the shadows in post. What am I saying I usually Don't know what I'm talking about.
Nice Jeff, not that you asked but it might look a little better if you brought up the shadows in post. What am I saying I usually Don't know what I'm talking about.
Thanks. I boosted the shadows quite a bit and was starting to get some odd colors and loss of detail. The lighting was truly horrible.
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