Advice on what gear to buy

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Hi all, I am currently about a year into my wildlife photography journey and using an R7 and the RF 100-400. While I love the R7, the autofocus, and the size of the combo, with my photos getting better and better I think it is time to upgrade to a better lens, especially for low-light conditions. Initially my thought was simply to go for the RF 100-500, but when looking at the price and specs I realized that maybe a switch to Nikon would be better due to their 400mm f4.5, 600mm f6.3, and 100-400mm f5.6 in that middle price range that Canon does not have. My biggest concern would be the autofocus system, which I have found to be fantastic on the R7. I would also be getting a full-frame camera so I guess getting that extra reach with a 600mm lens might be useful and have to be a consideration. Of course, before I made the switch I would probably rent out some gear to try it out, but wanted to hear thoughts on here. Thanks!

(I primarily shoot non-passerine birds, as well as mammals whenever I can, which is mainly on vacations)