AF Tune Issue

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I have been following Steve's suggestions and guide to AF tuning lenses. I have followed diligently (repeatedly to make sure I didn't miss something), but must be doing something wrong, as I frequently get the message "Auto AF Fine Tune is not available at current focus settings." I have tried this with my D850 and D500, and either receive the same message when I try to repeat the process or in the case of my 200 f2, 105 f 1.4, 105 micro, I am unable to get the system to remember the settings at all. Ironically, it did work for my 200 micro, 70-200, 300 f4 and 200-500 lenses, but I am not able to repeat the process to collect more points to hone in on the best average.

Any thoughts/suggestions as to what I am doing wrong?

Thanks in advance for suggestions!
I have a video you can use to double-check:

Also, here are some of the more common problems

1. Make sure your Live View AF point is perfectly centered (it should show a small red dot in the middle of the AF area if it is). Also, use the “Normal” or “Wide” AF area in Live View.

2. Make sure your are in AF-S mode, VR is OFF, and the lens is wide open.

3. Make sure you are on a VERY secure tripod – any motion at all during the test can cause failure.

4. Make sure you have a good, well lit target.

5. Make sure you are in single point AF and that you are in the exact center of the viewfinder.

6. Focus on the target using Live View AF and make 100% sure you are perfectly sharp – zoom in. If it’s not sharp, you’ll get an error.

#3 seems to be the biggest reason people run into trouble. Also, if anyone knows anything else that can cause an issue, please post. I get this question a lot and the more info we all have, the better :)
Words from god! Thanks!

I will watch the video. Based on the prescribed sequence, I haven't been making sure I set the aperture wide open; will try that next. I am also presuming that would be in aperture priority mode and ISO is at a proper setting so an appropriate shutter speed works given the focal length?

Thanks again Steve - love your stuff!
Words from god! Thanks!

I will watch the video. Based on the prescribed sequence, I haven't been making sure I set the aperture wide open; will try that next. I am also presuming that would be in aperture priority mode and ISO is at a proper setting so an appropriate shutter speed works given the focal length?

Thanks again Steve - love your stuff!
I'm not sure if the camera pays any attention to shutter speed for this. I don't think it's taking a photo at any time, it's jus comparing the phase difference in the AF sensors to what it should be based on how the image is focused.
@thusly I agree with Steve with #3 being the most problematic with #4 a close second.

The biggest problem I had with the Nikon Auto Fine Tune was not being able to press 2 buttons without moving the camera in any way for up to two seconds no matter how hard I tried regardless of how I mounted the camera.

You might try the DOT Tune method using a remote shutter release to mitigate movement?
One way to help with movement while using the camera, at least on the D850, is to use the touch screen when the box to proceed comes up. I don't think the D500 supports that trick, but the D850 does for sure.
Am I misunderstanding how the camera does the Auto Fine Tune?
I have assumed that the camera is doing the internal tests whilst the 2 buttons are being held in, not after pressing the OK button after the box to proceed appears?
Knowing the work flow of the test may help understanding how to make the most it.
Am I misunderstanding how the camera does the Auto Fine Tune?
I have assumed that the camera is doing the internal tests whilst the 2 buttons are being held in, not after pressing the OK button after the box to proceed appears?
Knowing the work flow of the test may help understanding how to make the most it.
Nikon doesn't spell it out, but it seems like it's doing it after the "proceed" prompt - that would make the most sense. The prompt asks you to verify the camera is in "a fixed position" and properly focused.
Update: I went out and tried again, closely following Steve's prescribed instructions - the D850 worked as it should, I am was able to AF tune 5 lenses without issue. I believe the difference between this go around and my previous attempts were the lighting on the target - I was in a bit of shade my first time; this time, I was in open daylight on a sunny day. The target contrast was very different.

As to my 550, a different story. I used the same successful formula for the D850 and tried to AF tune the 200-500 without success - I tried different distances as well, but the same message popped up: " Auto AF Fine Tune is not available at current focus settings." Not sure why and nothing was recorded.
Update: I went out and tried again, closely following Steve's prescribed instructions - the D850 worked as it should, I am was able to AF tune 5 lenses without issue. I believe the difference between this go around and my previous attempts were the lighting on the target - I was in a bit of shade my first time; this time, I was in open daylight on a sunny day. The target contrast was very different.

As to my 550, a different story. I used the same successful formula for the D850 and tried to AF tune the 200-500 without success - I tried different distances as well, but the same message popped up: " Auto AF Fine Tune is not available at current focus settings." Not sure why and nothing was recorded.
If you're doing it outside, that may be the issue.

Heat diffraction, wind (temps vary in the breeze and act like heat diffraction), etc can all affect the accuracy of AF and if the camera can't get what it thinks is a good lock, it will give you an error. If it's at all possible, I'd try it indoors.
No you all got it wrong ..look at the top of the rear LCD screen and check what it says for the AF will find it does not say AF-s ..rotate dial to get AF-s and you will be OK.
Just because the AF setting is AF-s for stills does not mean its AF-s on the rear LCD in live view
In that reference above it says "make sure the LV focus mode is in AF-s" Which is what I said ....check on the rear screen not in the top display. There is a setting AF-f for movie mode and that can be on the rear screen even if it says AF-s on the top...change it
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I took a photo of my daughter lying on the grass today with my D7500 and 24 mm 1.8 at f1.8.. I noticed her face was completely out of focus but her shoes were in focus (strong front focus). I didn’t notice this earlier, as I mainly use this lens for landscape with f8 and above).

So I returned home quickly and applied auto focus fine-tuning as suggested by Steve (which worked very well with my other lenses). I had to enter a value of +15 (average of 10 tests). Considering the high correction and the warranty still being valid, should I return the lens?

Should the auto fine-tuning always stay ON for the values to function / to apply.. or can I turn it off now that the values have been entered?

thanks in advance!
I took a photo of my daughter lying on the grass today with my D7500 and 24 mm 1.8 at f1.8.. I noticed her face was completely out of focus but her shoes were in focus (strong front focus). I didn’t notice this earlier, as I mainly use this lens for landscape with f8 and above).

So I returned home quickly and applied auto focus fine-tuning as suggested by Steve (which worked very well with my other lenses). I had to enter a value of +15 (average of 10 tests). Considering the high correction and the warranty still being valid, should I return the lens?

Should the auto fine-tuning always stay ON for the values to function / to apply.. or can I turn it off now that the values have been entered?

thanks in advance!

Yes, it has to stay on.

However, that +15 is concerning. I think I'd take it out and do a bunch of backyard tests to verify. Most of the time, lenses don't need AFFT at all. However, if it's all sharp now and focusing where expected, that's what the adjustment is for so I'm not sure I'd send it back. Still, I recommending testing it on a variety of subjects at different distances just to see.
I took a photo of my daughter lying on the grass today with my D7500 and 24 mm 1.8 at f1.8.. I noticed her face was completely out of focus but her shoes were in focus (strong front focus). I didn’t notice this earlier, as I mainly use this lens for landscape with f8 and above).

So I returned home quickly and applied auto focus fine-tuning as suggested by Steve (which worked very well with my other lenses). I had to enter a value of +15 (average of 10 tests). Considering the high correction and the warranty still being valid, should I return the lens?

Should the auto fine-tuning always stay ON for the values to function / to apply.. or can I turn it off now that the values have been entered?

thanks in advance!
Where was your focus point?
@Steve thanks for the quick reply. Yes most lenses I have tuned (incl. 300 PF, 200-500, 70-200) didn’t need more than +|- 3 points if at all. I will test it further tomorrow at different distances (always on a tripod and parallel to the target, as you indicated in your video 👍 thx for that too).

@Palouse I always focused on the face / eye, as shown by the yellow square in the below photo. But the face is out of focus.. the knees are sharpest in this photo. I took many photos (on the swing, down the slide, etc) and in all photos there was a strong front focus.

Photos removed by user
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Yes, as soon as I noticed the front focus I took multiple shots to make sure I was focusing on the face. I checked with zooming at 100% and saw the focus point was on the face.

i think I will send the lens to Nikon.. why take the chance when it’s still under warranty.
@Steve I made more test shots in my backyard and the results were always the same: heavy front focus.
I will send these test shots to Nikon and return the lens for repair or replacement.
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I have been following Steve's suggestions and guide to AF tuning lenses. I have followed diligently (repeatedly to make sure I didn't miss something), but must be doing something wrong, as I frequently get the message "Auto AF Fine Tune is not available at current focus settings." I have tried this with my D850 and D500, and either receive the same message when I try to repeat the process or in the case of my 200 f2, 105 f 1.4, 105 micro, I am unable to get the system to remember the settings at all. Ironically, it did work for my 200 micro, 70-200, 300 f4 and 200-500 lenses, but I am not able to repeat the process to collect more points to hone in on the best average.

Any thoughts/suggestions as to what I am doing wrong?

Thanks in advance for suggestions!
I used this facility several times today, with several lenses, and everything worked fine. All of a sudden I get this message saying "Auto fine-tune is not available... etc". I've done everything I can think of, but I can no longer test any lens. Will I have to reset all the settings?
I never did get the built in fine tune to work on D500. Instead I used the LensAlighn system to do the focus tune and it works perfectly. The camera remembers all my lens and even when I tune with TC it knows they are different