African Crowned Eagle

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African Crowned Eagle, Stephanoaetus coronatus, Kroonarend just after take-off in Mkhuze GR, kwaZulu/Natal, South Africa
D850; 600 F/4 + 1.4TC; F/8; 1/3200; ISO 400
00151 A3W D850 2311.jpg
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Mugshot in captivity, Drakensberg.
D500; 80-400; F/8; 1/500; ISO 800
00621 16X11W D500 7629.jpg
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Now that’s impressive. Being forest birds getting a clear shot is not easy.
Peter, Mhuze is great for seeing them. Never in 40 years saw one in Kruger. We saw them 4 X in Mkuze on 4 visits. And they are more open than say in the coastal forests!