After and Before

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Well-known member
This is an image from Alaska - Kenai Fjords National Park and Resurrection Bay. It was shot from a boat's (wildly pitching) deck on a day filled with weather. I'm including the original right from the camera after my final result. I hope the comparison is interesting. And, before anyone asks, I did change the sky. In doing so, I tried to use a sky that is similarly lit, that emphasizes the image rather than competes with it, and that is much like the original sky and the weather on that day. Enjoy!

AK-2021 -  497 D.jpg
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AK-2021 -  497.jpg
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I'd say that's pretty well done. The only slight niggle I have is that the greenery is perhaps a point or two over saturated but over all a fine rendition imo.
Nicely done. A good example of bringing the camera's view of a scene back to a mind's eye view of it.

I'd say that's pretty well done. The only slight niggle I have is that the greenery is perhaps a point or two over saturated but over all a fine rendition imo.

I've spent 30-40 days every summer on the water in Alaska for the last 10 years. And about half that much the previous 10 years. It's pretty darn green. Just as green as Hawaii at any rate. Granted in the image the colors of land and water have been rendered as they would appear on a sunny day. But that's why we "correct" WB isn't it? And how our mind's eye perceives colors in real time.