Afternoon walk 061020

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A well known member 🇦🇺 📷
Supporting Member
Had quite a good walk today and found this White Faced Heron (Egretta novaehollandiae) 600 - 700 feeding.
How do you get the subject to turn 180 degrees when you are photographing them?

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@DRwyoming That did not seem to work today, I had my biggest lens on and still the subject took little or no notice, it was probably just too interested in food!

Thanks, I enjoyed watching the bird feed, not seen that happening for a while.
A pity the shot was not a bit better lit.
That water doesn't look so deep, you could have walked ahead and got in front. 🤣 🤣 🤣

BTW, have you been having a break or have I missed more threads? I have been enjoying your daily walks. So much more adventurous than I am allowed and I do miss Tasmania, it's been too long since I was there. Keep them coming.
This was the first time for a couple of months the Heron had not flown when I got to within 100metres or so!
The birds here are also spooked by inconsiderate dog owners who let their dogs off lead in areas where they are not supposed to (Fairy Penguin nesting area in one case), I miss a lot of shots through that. :mad:

Not so much not wanting to go for walks but it has been raining here for a few days so no walks.
Other times there has not been anything I think to be suitable to upload.
I will do my best to keep them coming.
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